Paul du Toit is an entertaining, high-content professional keynote speaker who blends his talks to the theme of your conference. His entertaining talks on Sales, Service and Mindset Shift range from 30 minutes to 3 hour sessions. He also facilitates full day workshops, and a powerful, well established and acclaimed presentation skills programme.
3 Reasons why you should book Paul for your next event, training workshop or executive development programme.
Paul du Toit is South Africa's only presentation skills coach and facilitator who is also a Certified Professional Speaking Professional (CSP). He is one of 8 who have been awarded the CSP designation in Africa, and one of only 23 international speakers holding the CSPGlobal designation. The Certified Professional Speaking designation is the most sought after and visible measure of professionalism in the speaking business internationally.
He is a founding member and past president of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (2005-2006), South Africa’s official professional speakers’ association. He served from 2006-2008 as the secretary of the Global Speakers Federation, and 2012-2013 as Treasurer.
He is the author of 3 books including “You Can Present with Confidence” published internationally in 2011 and “The Exceptional Speaker” co-authored with Alan Stevens. Paul blogs regularly on presentation skills and customer service distributing a monthly e-zine to 7000 opt-in subscribers. Many of his articles have been published.
As the author of these two books, Paul du Toit has demystified what it takes to speak and present well. His books contain all the tools you need to develop a fearless and commanding presence on the platform.
Paul du Toit is an established authority on sales, service and presentation having delivered mindset shifting talks, seminars and in-depth programmes in Southern Africa and abroad, including to the Academy for Chief Executives in Great Britain. He has over 18 years of experience training and coaching business executives and successful entrepreneurs.